January 17, 2025


World Kratom Organization

The World Kratom Organization was formed to establish modern, sensible rules for

standardized cultivation, sanitary handling, processing, and testing of an herbal

resource that has value for people, world-wide.

These are the same quality standards used to deliver sanitary, unadulterated,

uncontaminated consumables to the tables of restaurants and homes in all countries of

the developed world.

Since the majority of the cultivated and wild resources of kratom (Mitragyna speciosa)
currently come from Indonesia, this agricultural product has a great impact on the
kratom farmers and production workers of this country. As with any enterprise, the host
nation wants to see their workers paid fairly for their work – and the nation wants to be
proud of the reputation of their products that are offered to the world.

If workers are underpaid for their efforts, the quality of their output is likely to suffer.
If investors are to provide modern equipment and facilities, they must be assured that
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) are employed to produce a consistent, sanitary,
and high-quality commodity for sale – or else their investment may be threatened.
The era of doing things cheaply (to maximize merchants’ profits) must come to an end
so that a worldwide industry, with many welcoming national markets, can be built.
The booming kratom industry has many established competitors that are threatened by
the growing popularity of this herb. These competing industries, such as alcoholic
beverages, don’t wish to see a modern professionally produced & marketed herb

The world’s public, however, wants access to safer alternatives, which are abundant in
Nature – but they must be produced in a sanitary, unadulterated fashion – and certified
as pure, before export is permitted.
People, worldwide, want to know what they are getting when they purchase kratom –
and this knowledge begins where kratom is harvested or cultivated.
This is the goal of the World Kratom Organization: to produce a high-quality, sanitary,
consistent product that is unique in providing a source of refreshment for a tense, tired

Isn’t this an outcome the people and governments of the world should want?
Thus, no matter what we do to correct genuine issues of sanitary handling, tracking,
chain-of-custody, and packaging, we must rely on our customers – the kratom retailers
– to encourage their customers to use kratom responsibly.
Open-minded people will see that the World Kratom Organization is working to make
kratom as safe as it can be. Now, we must rely on vendors and consumers to promote
and use kratom for their benefit, rather than for abuse.

Now obviously, any kratom farmer can claim that his or her production facilities are
clean, that they follow sensible cultivation, handling, and even testing – and that they
pay their workers “fairly”, but who is overseeing all these 100,000+ farmers to determine
that all is done according to Standard Operating Procedures which the Republic of
Indonesia and the Kapuas Hulu Regency have approved?
This oversight is the mission of the World Kratom Organization, in cooperation with the
local BUMdes (Village Industry Councils), which takes much of the burden of regulation
from the back of the Republic of Indonesia.

Some entity must guarantee that all production is done to a certain generally
agreed-upon standard.
The WKO has been formed for this purpose and assigned the duty of overseeing the
production of what has, up until now, been a “Wild, wild West” production scenario.
This unregulated industry has, no doubt, been very lucrative, but the high profits
achieved by some US vendors and Indonesian middlemen have been made at the
expense of the rural poor in Indonesia. This is not sustainable, nor is it desirable..
The Republic of Indonesia has heard the protests of their farmers. Indonesia will no
longer allow their citizens to be treated like the colonial servants of a foreign nation.
The time for Fair Trade, modern cultivation and manufacturing processes has arrived.
Indonesia stands at the crossroads and has decided to turn toward the fair pricing and
sanitary growing and processing practices that will assure a finished product the world
can enjoy and be confident to consume.