Is It Too Much To Ask?
Is it too much to ask that peaceable citizens should be allowed to consume the powdered leaves of trees because they feel invigorated, comforted, and in good spirits, without intoxication?
Is this particular leaf frowned on because it’s not paying enough taxes to the right corporations? No, we can’t accept their money — that might imply the Powers That Be approve.
We accept the money from the Tobacco Industry, though it sickens and sends many consumers to an early grave, their “sin taxes” paid.
We allow alcoholics to choose — and often abuse — their poison, better yet if the traffic cops and courts can extract more punishment when the drive inebriated.
So, why can eaters of leaves not be allowed to do what pleases them?
All I can think is that a leaf that helps us avoid paying into Big Pharma’s treasury and allows us to avoid doctor visits is too much a threat for one of “our” most powerful industries — the Sickness Cult — simply must not be tolerated.
Why, if that were allowed to continue, the plebs might realize how many more of our pills, potions, and surgical services they could do better without!
These leaves have helped me quit so many bad habits, I might not be supporting my share of the Gross Domestic Product!