December 9, 2024

We stand for wise Kraytom use, not Abuse!


Mitragyna Speciosa (aka Kray-Tum) is really not suitable for use as a “legal high” which the FDA would like you to believe.

Abusing or overusing Kratom is asking for dizzyness, nausea, and violent projectile vomiting. You may accidentally exceed your personal limit, but — if you’re smart — you will never want to experience that again!

Just because it helps you feel like your best self, don’t take that as a sign that taking MORE can make you feel like Superman. It won’t. With this herb, more is not always better.

Ideally, though, you know all this and you already are inspired to share this plant with many others who simply want to feel better than they do now. We’re looking for experienced, at least moderately successful vendors who are on a mission to serve more people by sharing this ancient wellness elixir by informing consumers of the TRUTH about kraytum, not the innuendo that it is “deadly” or anything like any of the other substances found in Schedule One of the Controlled Substances Act.

In conclusion, we want to help you become more successful operating a profitable family business, despite having to compete with big, well-funded competitors who are making and selling very popular (and highly profitable) EXTRACTS.

We choose not to go down that tempting path. If you do choose to sell extracts, we hope you will make it abundantly clear that extracts (and particularly isolates) can be easily habit forming, if not addictive for those who use them regularly.

We believe there is a huge potential market segment presenting itself for those who supply the mature audience for powder, tea-based drinks, and capsules as we work to change the image of this ancient herb to appeal to responsible consumers, not risk-prone thrill seekers.

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